Anaerobic Digester Installation Groundworks are not as common as some of the other Groundworks we carry out in East Sussex, Kent and Surrey.
However they do seem to be getting more popular if our own experience is any indication.

For those that don't know or are interested in Anaerobic Digestion it is basically employed to do a couple of things.
- Waste management
- Fuel Production
The process comes from microorganisms breaking down biodegradable material (waste) in the absence of oxygen. Hence why the tank you see in the picture is of critical importance.
Ecologically efficient solutions are a green way to manage waste and produce fuel, not to mention the potential to save money and reduce the impact on the environment.
Given that everyone needs to look at their own impact on the environment and how we can all do more to improve it. GWF Groundworks is committed to green and environmentally sound construction on behalf of our clients.
Feel free to learn a bit more about Anaerobic Digestion here

Are you looking to reduce your environmental impact and feel that Anaerobic Digester Installation Groundworks are the way forward.
Allow GWF Groundworks to prepare the ground for you, our teams have all the skills and experience that you need to make the transition smoothly.
Get in touch for a Anaerobic Digester Installation Groundworks quote - Contact GWF Groundworks here